
Showing posts from August, 2018

PB1A Car sale signs

    August 29, 2018 There are many different forms of genres, such as movie genres, music genres, textual genres, etc.. One of the most popular genres that play a role in our everyday lives without even recognizing it is textual genre. We are surrounded by textual genre everyday, for example the use of advertisements. Furthermore, advertisements such as car dealership sale signs are meant to entice and drawl the customers into their dealerships. Textual genres are a type of written or spoken discourse such are dealership sale signs. These sale signs tend to have large colorful fonts to catch the attention of the audience. Many of these dealerships put special offers on the sign to sweeten the deal for the consumers buying the car. These advertising sale signs are what they are because they do exactly what they say they do and that is advertise specific deals and sale on car and other vehicles in the dealership. Moreover, these sign may not be only physical signs but they can be em


When annotating “ Teaching thinking by teaching writing” by Peter Elbow i first look at the title and description of the article and try to get an idea about what I'm reading before i actually read it. This also helps me try to decipher important info from junk. This leads me to my annotations and why i mark what I'm marking, on most occasions i like to mark things or sentences that catch my eye and what i think to be important. For example, questions and comparisons between the two opposing topics. This helps me summarize what i believe to be important. On the other hand there are many different strategies of annotating which comes with different peoples personalities. My friend Patrick likes to annotate certain sentences that summarize the paragraph and word that he may not understand or know and define them on the column next to the word. Another way to annotate can be based on opinion like highlighting or marking things that you find important when someone e


Hi, my name as is Joseph Natale and I was Born July 31, 2000 in the great region of Bucks County, I am one of five children including my three older sisters Monica, Catherine, and Bridget and my one little brother Sean. I grew up in a very sports minded family, that being said I played sports competitively till the end of high school this included basketball, baseball, and javelin. Throughout my early years of schooling from elementary to middle school I always dreamt of one day becoming an engineer. That dream lead me to where I am now, starting my freshman year of college at Penn state Abington. My dream of becoming an engineer really progressed as I went through high school and competed in two Pennsylvania State STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) competitions, placing 3 rd my first year and 6 th my second year. All in all, I’m very excited to see what the future holds for me and what this amazing campus has to offer as it guides me along my path to fulfil my