PB1B Genre Generators

    Over the course of a few hours I've explored and toyed with many genre generator that the internet has to offer and I've found that there are many different types of these generators. Many of the genre generators that I found during my research have to do with memes and the creation and customization of your own meme like in the website memegenerator.net. Another example of these generators is pandyland.net, this website is a collaboration of comics that people have made for the entertainment of the users browsing the website. Finally, the last genre generator that i enjoyed using was plotgenerator.org.uk, this website has some of the feature that many of the other ones had but all in one place, such as meme generating, writer's-block generator, and fairytale/short story generators. Majority of generating website are all based on the same concept which is the randomization of a genre and helping you create your own.
    After exploring the many features and options that meme generator had to offer I really got a feel for the use and ideas behind the website. For example, not only is this website used for the creation of memes but it also acts as a social hub to share your creations and get feedback from other users. In addition, after creating a meme for my own (as seen below) i found that after creating your own meme you can share it for the rest of the meme generator users to see and can be liked just like other social media platforms such as instagram, facebook, and twitter. This generator gives you a chance to express yourself and share a laugh with a friend or users across the world.

    Similar to the meme generator the pandyland comic generator is a platform letting users explore some of the comic creations of others. But unlike the meme generator the pandyland website only lets you view the comic created by someone else. Even though you can’t create comics of your own this website may be useful for the use of brainstorming and generating comic ideas of your own.
    Lastly, my favorite of the three websites would be plotgenerator.org for many reasons. First, unlike the other two generators this website helps writers with many different types of writing genres not just memes, and comic but short stories and fairytales. Furthermore, it also includes features such as writers-block, and an idea generator to spark the creative thinking in the author. Finally, this websites is the “best of both worlds” or the “one stop shop” it has meme and comic generators as two of the many features it has to offer.
    In Conclusion, i have found that many of the genre generators that the internet has to offer they are all based of the same idea. This idea is that they are meant to ignite the creativity inside of you and help you express yourself whether that be creating memes, reading comics, or generating ideas through short stories and or fairytales.  The meme generator may be beneficial in that you can express and create a comedic meme to your liking or style and share with people that may have the same type of personality. Next, the comic generator is useful in which it can give users a new twist to comic rather than reading the same comics from the store over and over pandyland creates and publishes original comic of many different genres. Finally, plot-generator provides users with an abundance of resources to choose from depending on their situation. These genre generators are moreover the same in which they give the user many different options/ideas.  


  1. I liked how you attempted to create one of your own memes based on the genre conventions you discovered while researching the website. I also liked how you included a personal thought about what website was your favorite of the ones your researched. I really liked how your conclusion paragraph of summarizing all of what you found together really helped me grasp what your message of the piece was.

  2. To start, I think your meme is great. It’s the perfect example to use for the meme generator. One thing that I noticed about the generator is that it isn’t really a meme “generator” moreso than it is a meme hub or creator. It still shows plenty of different examples for us though, but I wouldn’t call it a generator. And I didn’t do a plot generator for the “choose your own” one, but based on what you said I can see how it would be more helpful than the other two. I know I often have problems trying to start an essay or story, so I think I would find that helpful as well.

  3. I like that you included a photo, I think it made that paper better. I thought it was interesting that you attempted to create your own memes. I like that you put in your own thoughts because I think its helpful to see what your views on these things are.


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