Over the course of a few hours I've explored and toyed with many genre generator that the internet has to offer and I've found that there are many different types of these generators. Many of the genre generators that I found during my research have to do with memes and the creation and customization of your own meme like in the website memegenerator.net . Another example of these generators is pandyland.net , this website is a collaboration of comics that people have made for the entertainment of the users browsing the website. Finally, the last genre generator that i enjoyed using was plotgenerator.org.uk , this website has some of the feature that many of the other ones had but all in one place, such as meme generating, writer's-block generator, and fairytale/short story generators. Majority of generating website are all based on the same concept which is the randomization of a genre and helping you create your own. After exploring the many fe...